Product Not Delivered

Name of Complainant Abhijit Jana
Date of ComplaintMarch 21, 2019
Name(s) of companies complained against
Category of complaint E-Com & Retail
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Text of Complaint by Abhijit Jana:

Order Number : 402-2584032-8780343. In portal, it is showing product Delivered Tuesday, 19 March 2019. Though I have not received the product at all. None of my family members or neighbours received the product. Courier person called me yesterday to collect the product from his office otherwise they will return the product. Why should I collect the product from courier office when they are charging for delivery ? Did I ordered the product at courier office address ? My product was supposed to be delivered by 18th Mar 2019. Today is 21st Mar 2019. Why is the delay ? Who will compensate for the business loss I had because of the delay ?  Moreover if it is delivered on Tuesday 19th Mar 2019, how they ware approaching to delivery otherwise cancel the product yesterday ? How can courier person return a product after it delivered ? Where is the customer signature that the product received by customer ?

Abhijit Jana


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Product Not Delivered

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