Outgoing blocked without giving warning message

Name of Complainant SUJIT KUMAR SAHOO
Date of ComplaintOctober 1, 2018
Name(s) of companies complained against
Category of complaint Corruption
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Text of Complaint by SUJIT KUMAR SAHOO:

My no is 9090216364 on 30.10.2018 at 1.02 AM i suddenly received one message that “outgoing voice service on jio no:9090216364 has been discontinued” and the outgoing block without giving any Warning message and call .When i called the customer care they replied Jio has the right to discontinue your number and when i told that don’t receive any warning so transferred it to your senior they transferred the call but after waiting of 2-3 hour online senior  did not pick the phone and the call was  dismissed.However as per the Jio terms and conditions any one  can make calls on maximum 20,30 or 50 unique numbers in a month unlimited  and i does not exceed the limit  of numbers but (called to 2-3 numbers repeatedly)but my no discontinued .Kindly help to solve the issue.

Image Uploaded by SUJIT KUMAR SAHOO:

Outgoing blocked without giving warning message

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