Sir I have transferred Rs. 25000/- through my Phonepe account No 20044395215. Details of txn are as under :-
(a) My phonepe ID -8764263636@UPI
(b) Txn ID -P1805231757496356373565
(c) Bank ref (UTR No 814368733129)
(d) Date of txn- 23 May 2018
Beneficiary detail :-
Bijarnia trading company
UPI ID – 9828542240@UPI
Connected with ALLAHABAD BANK A/C No 50251557335
Sir the amount is still not credited to beneficiary’s account. A complaint is lodged with Phonepe but Phonepe has denied to take any action and simply replied that a time of six month has passed.
The following documents are enclosed herewith :-
(a) Statement of deduction of amount from my account
(b) Statement of beneficiary’s account for non credit of the amount
(c) Reply of my grievances from Phonepe
(d) Inability of any action by ALLAHABAD BANK
May I request you to kindly resolve my issue and credit the amount at the earliest either in my account or in beneficiary’s account