Myntra Rejected My Return and Put me on hold

Name of Complainant SHWETA AHAMAD
Date of ComplaintMay 29, 2022
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Category of complaint E-Com & Retail
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Text of Complaint by SHWETA AHAMAD:

I bought a white jeans from Roadster brand from Myntra, I was having size issues, the jeans was short and tight so I wanted to return it. I placed return and the day of pickup the delivery agent said I have defect in this product so they cannot accept it. The delivery agent showed me minor details like Fabric thread color difference and tiny marks that are not visible unless you see closely. They suggested me to talk to customer care.

The Customer service raised an issue for damaged product and declined the claim after 2 days. I also talked to them, wrote them and chat from the app but the keep telling me they cannot process it further. I talked to a senior customer service agent she also said the same. They rejected my return and did not even give refund. They again raised an issue and kept me in hold for 5 more days.

The product has tiny microscopic details of fabric color difference which is definitely a manufacturing defect. There was no stain no marks by me. But still they did not take return.

Order ID # 1204078 29834777431101

Image Uploaded by SHWETA AHAMAD:

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