Amount debited from my account but no refund or recharge by Vodafone

Name of Complainant Meghana Belawadi
Date of ComplaintFebruary 10, 2020
Name(s) of companies complained against
Category of complaint Mobile Phone
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Text of Complaint by Meghana Belawadi:

I have still not received the amount of 399 which was credited to Vodafone on 21.01.2020 for prepaid recharge on my number (debited from my account).

I have been contacting the customer care on phone, email and store since that day. It is 20 days now. The customer care team have called me and emailed me but I get no response from them after I send them what they ask for.

I have got email confirmation from HDFC Bank as well as Bhim UPI customer care that from their end, the beneficiary Vodafone has been credited. It is past 20 days and Vodafone is least bothered about my complaint.

Each time, a different customer care executive comes and asks for 5 working days time. What should I do? My Rs.399 is stuck with them and they are not giving me my recharge pack nor are they giving me the refund.

Image Uploaded by Meghana Belawadi:

Amount debited from my account but no refund or recharge by Vodafone

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