amazon worst servies & harassment me & auto cancel product ,not update ,talk women unmatched launguage

Name of Complainant Pinal V Bagale
Date of ComplaintAugust 24, 2022
Name(s) of companies complained against
Category of complaint E-Com & Retail
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Text of Complaint by Pinal V Bagale:

i ordered 1 mobile redmi 10 A on 18 aug and amazon delivery estimate date is 21 aug ,now on 21 aug amazon agent call mi and talk to collect and delivered product today,and i am saying him to plz come today around 3 pm ,but he dinied ,till i am tyring but he talk roudly and unmatched aunguage ,till not dilivred that day ,and autoreshedule product delivery ,next day same think,i am rting to connect amazon and raise compaint against but they comkit mi ur product diliver in 2 hr but not diliver ,now 3rd day i will drop mail on amazon ecalation team but they not take against action on this ,i will continous drop mail but no replay ,now today they will call mi and disccus this issue but they told mi ,we will cancel this product and u will recive refund amount ,but i will tell him i will pay in advance and not cancel my end so how cancel this item ,but no replay ,agian 24 aug 1 man come my home around 8:30 pm and told mi ,i am from amazon and my managaer told to u on phone ,manager says sorry for delay and we will cancel this iteam ,but my point is i need this product very much with my time and why they gays are take time and not diliver ,i am complit harrist by amazon plz do some acton agaist ,they dont take serious peoples problms and wrong behavior also ,my 3 days time and harristment also plz i suggest to take a action on this ,i will attached all images for dilivery and autoresheduleing and cancaling by amzon plz take action

Image Uploaded by Pinal V Bagale:

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