Wrong Product Dispatched and customer care number is not taking the call

Name of Complainant Sidram Ghodke
Date of ComplaintJune 22, 2020
Name(s) of companies complained against
Category of complaint Mobile Phone
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Text of Complaint by Sidram Ghodke:

Today I have received my order delivery but the product received is wrong product and has the cheaper cost as compared to my actual ordered product.

I have ordered Genex Galuxy M21 Smartphone of qty 1 no. but I have got a simple mobile phones of qty 2 nos.

The order taken lady’s number is 8375052170 who is not taking the calls now.

Pls help me.

Image Uploaded by Sidram Ghodke:

Wrong Product Dispatched and customer care number is not taking the call

One thought on “Wrong Product Dispatched and customer care number is not taking the call

  1. From payu money
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    I have paid Rs.2999/- for online purchase at Mobiletrolleys.com order on 14.6.20

    I have neither received order confirmation,order item not despatched nor my refund initiated. Portal email ehelpme@outlook.com
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