unable to get refund from flipkart

Name of Complainant PRIYANKA RAHA
Date of ComplaintSeptember 25, 2019
Name(s) of companies complained against
Category of complaint E-Com & Retail
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Text of Complaint by PRIYANKA RAHA:

my name is Priyanka Raha resides at Behala ( Parnashree), registered ph no. 8617752287. I ordered a product i.e. a blue dress worth Rs.498/- only Order id-OD116516019727627000. but before delivery i cancelled my product so flipkart initiated a refund of above mentioned amount within 10-14 days. but still i didnot received the amount, several times i called my bank but they told me that flipkart didnot initiated any such amount. i also called almost every day but flipkart told i gave the money. Noone is cooperated with me or noone given me any right information.

Thanking you

Yours sincerly

Priyanka Raha


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unable to get refund from flipkart

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