Name of Complainant Rachana
Date of ComplaintDecember 24, 2022
Name(s) of companies complained against
Category of complaint Electronic Appliances
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Text of Complaint by Rachana:

There was a device worth 9000 in the package, the driver reached the pickup location and the sender was standing there but he acted like He didn’t see the sender he just moved then he called me (I’m the recipient) saying the road is full empty no one is there, I clearly told him the sender was standing right outside pick up location he denied, the sender was right outside but didn’t see the driver as the driver took a quick glance and disappeared from there. From there he himself changed the drop location, and told me to ask the sender to come there as he couldn’t find him at the pick up he changed the drop to 2km asked the sender to come there and took the delivery n ended the trip randomly but didn’t let me know. My drop location was around 8 km away . His name on Uber is some other and when I investigated it showed another name. Fake driver scammed me and absconded. So disappointed in Uber. After that I called him around 70 times sent him so many WhatsApp texts but he blocked me. I did the same thing from another number I called him 80-90 times he blocked me. I just need the package very badly I need the best resolution for my complaint. I believe in the govt and it will surely provide me the solution

Image Uploaded by Rachana:


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