Tata sky service- they identify other area or state for making money they divert to other techician for amount achargable

Name of Complainant victor
Date of ComplaintJuly 21, 2020
Name(s) of companies complained against
Category of complaint Consumables
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Text of Complaint by victor:

Dear Sir,

After the lot of time i registered the complaint,your  technician  diverted to other person he come and checked in antenna after channel also telecast in T.V  and  collect the money of  Rs-300.Here TATA service useful for local people .If they found from other state people they divert others for making money purpose.I hear this already from here due to this reason some of them suggest me to install others dish antenna.i did a mistake to connect the tata sky.I request you to refund the amount 300rs which they getting service charge amount from us. and further it happened it again kindly disconnect the tata-sky and take away your dish antenna and refund the amount what i paid for installation .If it not i will move on legal action.

Thanks and Regards:
S.Victor Adip Kumar
Subscriber ID:1366680740
Set off box No:879264102804.

From: “victor”<vickyadip@rediffmail.com>
Sent: Sun, 12 Jul 2020 14:15:57
To: “help”<help@tatasky.com>
Subject: complaint – service.

Dear Sir,

Last one week around my tata sky dish not shown any channel and  message shown not recieving any signal.I call to customer care and register complaint .I got call from technician and he diverted another call asking about services charge 300 rs.Till i have warranty from getting the registration onwards services is very poor.Already 1 week complete till  the issue not sort out.Kindly further it continue please disconnect the tata sky dish refunded the amount back to me.

Image Uploaded by victor:

Tata sky service- they identify other area or state for making money they divert to other techician for amount achargable

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