Name of Complainant B. Lal
Date of ComplaintDecember 29, 2015
Name(s) of companies complained against
Category of complaint Corruption
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Text of Complaint by B. Lal:

Email sent to all on 19.08.2015 in quest of early justice.
TO FROM (amended on 7.8.15)
ALL the Top DIGNITARIES & Architects of India, B.LAL ( B.Com.,CAIIB),
In the hope of a BELATED JUSTICE, (Rtd.Br. Mgr.of SBI ),
Struggling hard for JUSTICE since 1977. 56,N- Block, KidwaiNagar,Kanpur-11,
Dated 24. 07. 2015
Chairman-Respected Smt.Arundhati Bhattacharya of SBI & Shri Vijai Sharma, CIC should accept their GUILT (GUNAH) for restoration of faith in Justice, Indian Democracy & JUDICIARY.
Hon’ble Sirs,
Most respectfully, I beg to confirm having already sent by EMAIL on 24.07.2015 of my letter dt. 24.07.2015 addressed to Respected Smt. T.Y.Das, Secretary (CIC) (though Mrs. Das is working in Assam ) and now I enclose the confirmatory AMENDED ( dt.7.8.2015) COPY thereof , for your kind reference , consideration and PROMPT necessary action in the interest of JUSTICE with SPECIAL CARE that I ( a PROMISING RANKER( rose as Officer from Clerk) but TOPPER in school/College with many merit scholarships and in SBI also with all Excellent rating in my C.R. with many Appreciation Letters awarded by the Bank ) have been facing a fleet of Illegal actions & INJUSTICES of STATE BANK OF INDIA which is unprecedented in Banking history of India for the last 38 years under Cadre Discrimination after I attended Interview on 11.10.1976 for higher promotion to MMGS-III in the batch of Shri S.A. Farooqi ( a Probationary( Direct) Officer) who retired as CGM. The whole game has been CONSPIRED just to stop me ( a Ranker) from higher promotion.
2.Further, I beg to submit an amended letter , for kind reference, information and necessary action as deemed fit in the interest of JUSTICE containing GRIEF & SORROWS:- क्या स्टेट बंक ऑफ़ इंडिया मेरे मौत का इंतजार कर रहा है ? बैंक का यह सारा गन्दा खेल सिर्फ एवं सिर्फ मुझ जैसे एक Topper /Promising CLERK (RANKER ) को higher promotion से वंचित करने का कुचक्र हैI ऐसा ही खेल Shri K .K .Gautam ,Clerk and Shri R .C .Verma ,Clerk के साथ भी हुआ I बैंक ने पिछले 38 वर्षो में अक्षम्य जुल्म, अत्याचार , भ्रष्टाचार ,उत्पीड़न अर्थात corruption ,crimes ,illegal decisions, manipulation ( in short-CCIM)(by प्रभाव ,पैसा,सेटिंग्स,अनैतिक साधनों द्वारा ) द्वारा मुझे तथा पूरे परिवार को विगत 38 सालो में पावर का दुरूपयोग करते हुए बर्बाद कर दिया I भ्रष्टाचार
जैसे :-1976 के इंटरव्यू के बाद फर्जी चार्ज शीट में 7 साल तक मुझे फ़साना,1984 में DISMISSAL , 1991 में जीत कर सर्विस में आने के बाद गलत इन्क्वारी करके रिमूवल आर्डर पास करके रिटायर कर देना ,P.F.a/c में गबन कर लेना , CIC (Shri Vijai Sharma )को घूस देकर गबन से बचने के लिए favourable judgemeent खरीद लेना ,गबन का रिपोर्ट प्रभाव ,पैसा और सेटिंग द्वारा 20 माह से हज़रतगंज ,लखनऊ कोतवाली में FIR न लिखा जाना इत्यादि I पिछले सभी चैयरमेन case को बिना consider किये चले गए और वर्तमान चेयरमैन Respected Smt Arundhati Bhattacharya ji भी बिना न्याय दिए जाने की तैयारी में हैं क्योंकि बैंक अनेको Illegal decisions के साथ साथ मेरे P .F .account में गबन करने के अपराध में फँसी हुई है अतः गबन में संलिप्त सभी Officers ,CGMs , Chairmen I .P .C .ACT में अपराधी हैं I गबन संज्ञान में होते हुए भी CGM & चेयरमैन ने कोई जाँच नहीं बैठाई बल्कि गबन को छिपाने के लिए Hon’ble Judges ,CIC ,पुलिस प्रशासन एवं अन्य अधिकारियों को खरीद रहें हैंI मेरा shining career.चला गया,घर बिक गया, पचीस लाख से ज्यादा का कर्ज है, दबाव में मेरे लड़के ने 23 .9 .2014 को s@uicide करने का प्रयास किया जो पुलिस के रिकॉर्ड में है और अनेको दैनिक अख़बार में भी प्रकाशित हो चुका है ,बच्चो की तरक्की रुक गई , मेरी पत्नी बैंक के medical facility न मिलने के कारण CANCER से 12 . मार्च. 2015 को ट्रीटमेंट के लिये पैसे के अभाव में उनका निधन हो गया जिसके लिए बैंक जिम्मेदार है i. मैं निराश ,कुंठा, अपमान की जिंदगी जी रहा हूँ I बैंक ने मेरे Excellent रिकॉर्ड के कारण 11 .10 .1976 में MMGS -III के इंटरव्यू में श्री .S .A Farooqi के बैच में बुलाया ,चूँकि फ़ारूक़ी साहब डायरेक्ट अफसर अर्थात प्रोबेशनरी अफसर थे तो वे चीफ जनरल मैनेजर होकर रिटायर हुए और मैं 38 वर्षो से भ्रष्टाचार के कब्र में दफ़न हूँ I I am now 77 plus almost reached to the fag end of my life .आप चेयरमैन (सुप्रीमो) होते हुए कानून ,न्याय ,मेरे हक़ से अन्याय किया है ,.आपने मेरे 18 D .O .Letters + more than100 reminders + अनेको RTI Act के पत्रो तथा मेरे पत्र दिनांक 31.7.2013 (गबन सम्बन्धी) तथा उसके 35 reminders का जबाब नहीं दिया I क्या स्टेट बैंक ,देश ,कानून ,लोकतंत्र एवं न्यायपालिका तथा चीफ जस्टिस ऑफ़ इंडिया से बड़ा है ? यदि नहीं तो अपने हाथ मेरे तथा मेरे परिवार के खून से क्यों रंग रही हैँ ? गबन को क्यों दबा रही हैं? FRAUD पर आप अपना Comments / reply इस पत्र के सभी Hon’ble
Dignitaries को प्रेषित करने की कृपा करें I सच सामने आ जायेगा और मुझे पूरा न्याय मिल जायेगा I मेरा Total claim करोङो में है और गबन में लगभग Rs 40 .00 Lacs से ज्यादा बनेगा I मैं आज भी बैंक का एक dedicated Officer हूँ I क्या मुझें मेरे जीवनकाल में न्याय मिलेगा ? न्याय के लिए सभी लोगों का ह्रदय से आभारी हूँगा I
I quote some MAJOR & GRAVE errors committed by SBI for Harassment, Illegal actions, violations of Hon’ble Court’s orders and FRAUD committed in my P.F.a/c during last 38 years:-
1.I attended Interview on 11.10.1976 after receipt of Telegraphic message & Confirmatory letter of the Bank on my merit but Bank charge sheeted me that I absented myself unauthorizedly on 11.10.1976 therefore my integrity is doubtful so NOT retainable in Bank’s service.
2.Bank kept me involved for 7 years under the cloud of the fake charge sheet up to 28.3.1984.
3.Bank passed an Illegal Dismissl Order on 29.03.1984 without Show Cause Notice & without my defence brief coupled with many legal infirmities(list as ). So my glorious 7+7 years were SPOILED.
4.Thanks to Judiciary that Hon’ble H.C.Allahabad ,Lucknow Bench QUASHED the dismissal order on 2.4.1991 and I was reinstated in service but Bank did not pay all consequential benefits despite mandatory orders of the Ho’ble Court TILL TODAY.
5.Further, SBI conducted an illegal inquiry in utter violation of Court’s order and passed Removal Order on 31.7.1993 again Without SHOW CAUSE NOTICE and retired me prematurely on 31.7.1993 at the age of 55 ½ instead of 60 years.
6.Bank in conspiracy committed FRAUD in my P.F. a/c before passing Removal Order by 2 entries with mala fide intention etc.
7.I requested to the present Chairman for Personal Meeting on FRAUD under RTI Act with a number of reminders both by emails/ letters but NO REPLY TILL TODAY & NEVER.
8.Bank violated Articles 14,16,19 and 21 with mala fide intentions.
9.Bank adopted DOUBLE STANDARD & Wild Discrimination:-Bank paid INTEREST on Shri R.C.Verma, an employee, for his entire dismissal period of about 20 years in compliance to Hon’ble Court’s order and Bank’s own P.F. rule no. 33 BUT Bank DENIED to me vide Bank’s letter no. PPG/621 dt. 14.7.1999 ( copy enclosed as Annexure no. 1 ) to prove Bank’s mala fide intentions and Double Standard.

10.Bank did not comply FULLY the Hon’ble High Court, judicature at Allahabad ,Lucknow Bench order dt, 2.4.1991 TILL TODAY, copy of the operative part of the judgement is enclosed as Annexure no.2.
11. Bank fearlessly did not comply fully the Hon’ble Supreme Court’s order dt.29.7.2009 in my SLP no.CC 9920/2009 ( copy enclosed as Annexure no. 3) to cause delay and harassment with mala fide intentions .
12. I enclose as Annex. No.4 copy of my letter dt.27.05.2013 addressed to Hon’ble CIC ( i.e.Shri Vijai Sharma ,the then CIC) which indisputably proves my allegations of CORRUPTIONS & PERSONAL GAINS leveled against Shri Vijai Sharma, Ex.CIC , a few lines thereof are quoted as under:-
“CGM ,SBI WOULD NEVER PROVIDE P.F. STATEMENTS OF 405 MONTHS DESPITE YOUR EXISTING 2 ORDERS dt. 17.12.2012 & 15.04.2013 OR 100 MORE FURTHER ORDERS AS SBI HAS FRAUDULENTLY MADE 2 FICTITIOUS ENTRIES OF Rs. 19,980,00 as ADVANCE & Rs. 40,000.00 as WITHDRAWAL plus Rs. 79,764.12 being part of my P.F.was fraudulently not paid to me. The statement would prove the Bank’s FRAUD.CONSEQUENTLY SBI SHALL HAVE TO PAY MORE THAN Rs. 40.00 LACS AS ARREARS with up to date interest.Apart many CGMs, Chairmen and concerned Officers involved in the conspiracy of Fraud and its concealment and for harassment to me would be PROCEEDED under CRIMINAL ACTS AS SUCH SBI WOULD DISHONOUR YOUR ABOVE 2 PLUS 100 more orders.”

13.I also enclose as Annex. No.5 copy of my letter dt. 24.12.2013 to prove the allegations against the Bank & CIC.

TO :-
1 . Hon’ble Chief Justice of India thru the Registrar
2 .Hon’ble Chief Justice ,High Court ,Allahabad thru the Registrar.
3 .Hon’ble Chief Justice, Judicature at Allahabad, Lucknow Bench ,Lucknow thru the Registrar
4 .Hon’ble President of India, New Delhi.
5 .Hon’ble Prime Minister of India Adarniy Shri N.Bhai Modi ji, New Delhi
6 .Hon’ble Home Minister of India, New Delhi.
7 .Hon’ble Finance Minister of India, New Delhi.
8 .Hon’ble Law Minister of India, New Delhi
9 .The Director, CBI, New Delhi
10.The DIG, CBI, ACB, New Delhi.
11.The Governor, RBI, Mumbai.
12. The Chairman (Respected Smt. Arundhati Bhattacharya, SBI, Central Office, Mumbai )
13.All the 4 M.Ds. of SBI , .All 10 Directors of SBI, The Trustees of P.F. of SBI & C.A.O. SBI,,Kolkatta,CGM
14.Shri Vijai Sharma,CIC( under protest till decision of my JANHIT YACHIKA ),New Delhi
15.Respected Smt. T.Y Das, Secretary (CIC) –presently working in Assam.
16.Under Secretary, Govt. of India, Ministry of Personnel Public Grievances & Pensions department of Personnel and Training, North Block, New Delhi
17. S.P.,CBI, Lucknow
18.ACB,CBI, Lucknow
19.C.V.C New Delhi Yours faithfully,

( B.LAL )
Enc. ( Rtd. Br. Mgr.of S.B.I.)
SPECIAL REQUEST:- With all due apology, I challenge to Respected Smt. Arundhati Bhattacharya,Chairman and Respected Shri Vijai Sharma, CIC to kindly submit your comments and replies to all the above addressed Dignitaries within 15 days( with a copy to me ) without any malice , deliberate delay , mala fide intentions and ulterior motives if you really possess good character, honesty, awareness to your responsibility to the posts crowned to both of your goodselves, sense of humanity , justice, dignity of judiciary with confirmation that you have decided my case as per Law of the Land and obeyed meticulously the mandatory orders and judgement dt. 2.4.1991 of the Hon’ble High Court judicature at Allahabad,Lucknow Bench . With regards.

( B.LAL )

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