Online fraud

Name of Complainant Abhishek kumar Sahu
Date of ComplaintMay 20, 2023
Name(s) of companies complained against
Category of complaint Internet Services
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Text of Complaint by Abhishek kumar Sahu:

Text of Complaint

They contacted me on WhatsApp and then they moved to telegram and shared some Flipkart items and by just wishlisting them they transferred 300 to bank account.and here starts there loop and they started giving some simple tasks and you get paid for that .after this they have given some repurchase task on which claims to be Amazon repurchase mall and there again they will pay you commission but suddenly when you invest some good amount they will say that you purchased wrong quantity and your account got frozen.and to defreeze them you have to perform some remedial purchase but after each remedy they will generate some other remedy and you will be looped .

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