My complain is about my ac repair delayed by 1.5 to 2 months

Name of Complainant Patel Viralbhai Jayendrakumar
Date of ComplaintJuly 26, 2023
Name(s) of companies complained against
Category of complaint Electronic Appliances
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Text of Complaint by Patel Viralbhai Jayendrakumar:

I bought air conditioner of Sansui with extended warranty of one year from Reliance digital on 26/4/2023 they took to much time to install ac as a week. within one month gas leak problem started i complain about it on ResQ app on 2nd may 2023. They took about a week to repair it and told me that gas leak problem solved but after a month gas leaked again and till than i am complaining about it but they didn’t take any action regarding my complain. ones they inspected my ac after my pressure but nothing done yet. They closed my complain twice without repair my AC please help me…

Image Uploaded by Patel Viralbhai Jayendrakumar:

My complain is about my ac repair delayed by 1.5 to 2 months

One thought on “My complain is about my ac repair delayed by 1.5 to 2 months

  1. This is in regards to sharing my experience regarding my Daikin AC repair, which I purchased from Reliance Digital, Sonepat, Haryana 131001 on 30th June 2022 with 4 years extended warranty.
    Unfortunately, apart from horrifying service from Reliance Digital​/Resq, I haven’t received anything else. Let me explain my situation so you can understand.

    On 20th July 2023, I registered a repair request​ (Request Number -C000399442​) on the Reliance Resq App for my malfunctioning AC​ (Showing an Error C3). A technician visited my home and attempted to fix the issue. After some time, the technician confirmed that the AC was working fine. Unfortunately, I wasn’t present during the technician’s visit, so I trusted him and shared the ​Smile Code. However, when I checked the AC later in the evening, I found that the problem persisted.

    On 22nd July 2023, I raised another repair request​ (Request Number -C000400867​), and the technician visited again. This time, he informed me that the outdoor unit’s PCB was faulty and needed replacement, which would take 2 to 3 days. When I followed up on 25th July, they mentioned that the part was taking longer to arrive from Mumbai. On 28th July, they cited the same reason. On 31st July, I contacted them again, and they gave me the same explanation.

    Finally, on 2nd August, the technician replaced the faulty part and claimed that the AC was now working fine. Shortly after, I received a call from the ​Service Centre’s owner, ​Sunny, asking for a “Smile code” sharing. Despite explaining that I was at the office and could only check the AC in the evening, he insisted on closing the repair request forcibly, stating that they couldn’t keep it open for so long. I refused to share the code until I checked the AC.

    However, to my surprise, I received a message stating that the service request was closed. When I checked the AC in the evening, I found that the problem was still there, and the AC was not functioning​ (Showing error C3). When I called them again, they said they would come to check once more.

    I am extremely disappointed and want to know if my AC can be fixed or if I made a big mistake by becoming a Reliance Digital customer

    1. Repair Request Number -C000399442 raised on 20/07/2023.
    2. Repair Request Number -C000400867 raised on 22/07/2023.
    ​3. Repair Request Number -C000409195 raised on 03/08/2023.

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