Kindly consider the product you sent is incorrect and it’s of low quality. Please receive this and send the good quality product. I request you to give me the appropriate items without delay and do this within three days.

Name of Complainant Sudarshan
Date of ComplaintJuly 15, 2020
Name(s) of companies complained against
Category of complaint E-Com & Retail
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Text of Complaint by Sudarshan:

Kindly consider the product you sent is incorrect and it’s of low quality. Please receive this and send the good quality product. I request you to give me the appropriate items without delay and do this within three days

Image Uploaded by Sudarshan:

Kindly consider the product you sent is incorrect and it’s of low quality. Please receive this and send the good quality product. I request you to give me the appropriate items without delay and do this within three days.

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