Kent ro purifier tds levels is very low

Name of Complainant Gowtham Raj
Date of ComplaintMarch 31, 2021
Name(s) of companies complained against
Category of complaint Electronic Appliances
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Text of Complaint by Gowtham Raj:

I am using Kent ro water purifier last 4 years. My water purifier tds level is 19 that was checked my self with tds checking device  because of my family suffering with health issues. 19 tds level not at all good to drink water it should atleast 50-300. Kent technician visited 3-4 times for Maintaince and changing the filter coils but doesn’t checked the tds level after filter. That is minimum responsibility to check it and inform to customer. If I am not check the tds level I will continue to drink the water. And filter has filter change alarm but it never came if filter got damage also and Kent customer service people tell it will may not work  you must change the coils that also. Please take action on this complaint and please as soon as possible resolve the complaint. Company should repair or replace at free of cost.

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Kent ro purifier tds levels is very low

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