insurance claim unsettled for almost 5 years

Name of Complainant hitesh momaya
Date of ComplaintJanuary 12, 2016
Name(s) of companies complained against , ,
Category of complaint Insurance
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Text of Complaint by hitesh momaya:

policy no:010804/11/10/14/00000149 policy no:010804/11/10/14/00000148 policy no:010804/46/10/53/00000024 we,dhirish international,bangalore had imported and stored our goods with chennai customs private bonded warehouse ,continental warehousing corporation ns ltd,Chennai tel no;09790991700.Insurance was taken by cwc ns ltd,chennai through united india insurance co ltd,chennai tel no:044-28522021. fire broke out at cwc ns ltd chennai on 14-4-2011,cargo was fully insured, inspite of this insurance company ask us to pay additional premium through cwc ns ltd,chennai after the fire accident.How can an insurance company demand additional premium after the accident has occured(this is a case of ransom and fraud case to be filed against insurance company and the bonded warehouse company). the insurance company paid Rs.5 crores towards first claim installment to the chennai customs(towards material damage) but didnot instruct the chennai customs to disburse this amount to all the importers and therefore till date the first claim installment of Rs.5 crores stands as pending to all the importers. further there is still balance of claim amount pending, which is not being settled by the insurance company and no effort by the chennai customs private bonded warehouse also to settle the amount to all the importers has been done.the case is almost 5 years and still the claims are unsettled. further if you call for records from united india insurance company chennai and continental warehousing corporations ltd chennai ,please call for all the survey reports, where in the surveyors have clearly instructed the insurance company to settle the claim along with duty amount, as the cargo was under DOUBLE DUTY BOND, but where as the insurance company is not settling the duty amount and for which our claims are unsettled.sir inspite of the surveyors giving their survey reports how can the insurance company go against the surveyors, how can they supress the orders from the surveyors. please note this is a case of default, case of fraud,case of ransom to all the importers, we have also asked the Honourable prime minster of india to conduct an enquiry into the whole episode which will reveal all the real facts of the case,and please note sir as this being under the CHENNAI CUSTOMS BOND WAREHOUSE CASE, there is no chance of lapse in documentation, so this is a very CRYSTAL CLEAR CASE, but still the insurance company has taken 5 years and still claims are unsettled. we request your good offices to take strict action and we also request who ever has delayed this matter should be punished severely so that the common man/small importers should not suffer as we have suffered in this case. please note we are asking for ONLY JUSTICE. we hope our case will be heard and justice will prevail. THANKING YOU YOURS FAITHFULLY, for DHIRISH INTERNATIONAL., PARTNER (HITESH MOMAYA)

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insurance claim unsettled for almost 5 years

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