Heinous behaviour of the delivery person named Tapas

Name of Complainant Sushmita Chatterji
Date of ComplaintJanuary 18, 2024
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Category of complaint E-Com & Retail
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Text of Complaint by Sushmita Chatterji:

One of delivery man of Valmo Courier service is very very rude nd behaves very badly…he uses abusive words nd goes nd says bad things to my customer about me….he tries to discourage my customer from buying things from me nd says many wrong things about me to her… everytime he goes to my customer’s house to deliver, he shouts at them nd creates a raucous. I am awaiting a strong action against him bcoz this is not the first time he has done something like this. The name of the delivery person is Tapash Mukherjee, his contact no. is 9339927971

Image Uploaded by Sushmita Chatterji:

Heinous behaviour of the delivery person named Tapas

One thought on “Heinous behaviour of the delivery person named Tapas

  1. Valmo courier service is very bad because even though we the customer are available in home they have put backup for tomorrow n they are giving the reason…

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