Fraud online shopping company

Name of Complainant shiv kumar
Date of ComplaintDecember 17, 2019
Name(s) of companies complained against
Category of complaint Corruption
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Text of Complaint by shiv kumar:

Today i have order the speria mobile and done the onlime payment via paytm of Rs 4499, Buy after payment my order not track in this side…this is not good we have pay the amount pls reverse, neither share the details of my order, when will get the same. Otherwise i will going in leagal..

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Fraud online shopping company

One thought on “Fraud online shopping company

  1. Today i have received the call from bookmyphone, they telling me to refund your money to your account, for that we have required the card no, why we give the card no…after i will asking to call person to refund my money to my bank account, they person disconnected my phone.

    This is big corruption in india. me to get, i have done the paymeny from paytm, so i want to return my money to paytm wallet.
    I dont know who is calling me, is there bookmyphone person or consumer complaint person..pls resolve othrtwise i go through this request to high court..Chandigarh..

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