Name of Complainant Sunil kumar
Date of ComplaintAugust 27, 2023
Name(s) of companies complained against
Category of complaint Banking
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Text of Complaint by Sunil kumar:

Transactree Technologies Private Limited
This company has given wrong information about me to credit bureau companies like CIBIL, CRIF, and Highmark. I have never taken a loan from this company and have shown the wrong loan account in my credit profile. I have raised this dispute with CIbil several times but the company is not responding. It affects my cabil and can reflect the active account. I would like to file a complaint and remove the account from my CIBIL as well as the effect on my CIBIL score. Also, I want compensation of 50000/- from Transactree Technologies Private Limited. Because the company is reporting wrong information to CIBIL and because of that it is spoiling my financial profile. Due to this, I am having difficulty in getting loans from other financial institutions

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