Flipkart facebook add.,

Name of Complainant Neelakandan Dilli
Date of ComplaintJune 11, 2020
Name(s) of companies complained against
Category of complaint Mobile Phone
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Text of Complaint by Neelakandan Dilli:

I saw offer in facebook flipkart add., and then i orderd one mobile n paid cash.. but still i didn’t get any information r message from them.. please do needfull for me as soon as possible to refund my cash…

Thanking you..

Image Uploaded by Neelakandan Dilli:

Flipkart facebook add.,

One thought on “Flipkart facebook add.,

  1. For precious refund issue against cancellation after any number of mail call exchanges for more than a month finally refunded in Flipkart wallet 198 rupees which I shopped a copper jewelry set worth rs.249/- balance paid online along with 4 other products. One products quantity was worst I have cancelled against refund and they charged me with return fee of 25 rupees. 2nd product lipstick wrong product ( wrong shade not what’s ordered for) sent with no returns policy applicable which .seeing this pathetic services I was forced to cancel the 4th product which was getting delivered Monday to avoide the return fee charges in case that too come low quantity, smartly they have accepted the cancellation but partially refunded in Flipkart wallet 198 and balance mentioned to refund in my account where jewelry was bought for that wallet amounts which is not returned. They charging return fee against all cancellations which is not informed prior orders where placed now clause before the order accepted by Flipkart. Only posts orders are placed. customer is forced to accept what ever quality product they send incase you return against refund they are charging return fees. Very bad andnon accepted.where in Amazon and ShopClues never had this poor quality nor services.they don’t cheat customers are transparent not just talk also provided quantity service too. Request everybody Stop purchasing from Flipkart.

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