Defective Model F90M Mobile

Name of Complainant Jayanth Kumar
Date of ComplaintDecember 18, 2019
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Category of complaint Electronic Appliances
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Text of Complaint by Jayanth Kumar:

hi , I had purchased an JIO mobile Model F90M Almost 5 Months back with an cost price of 1000+ INR  in and Local Jio cell distributor . Since the first day after purchase after the installation of the sim i had been facing the issue of the buttons not operation and delay in operation and i had conveyed the same to the distributor . He had asked me to wait and watch for an week and update the apps that i may be fine for operation. Almost  15 days passed still the same issue been repeating and had returned the cell for rectification . the supplier had taken almost and month for returning an replacement cell saying that the one which was provided presently was an new one as a replacement .

After using it an week automatically it got switched off an turned on after checking it continuously the dealer said that it will be supplied to jio distributor for rectification .

As on date it has almost completed 5 months where  most of the months the cell was lying at your custody and no response from your team yet and whenever i keep calling your representative in Mangalore i get a response that i had spoken to the distribution and we will respond you soon.

I am really dissatisfied by the quality of product Jio telecom industry supplies and the type of service i have been receiving from Jio service team .

Hope to find a solution soon.

Jayanth Kumar


Image Uploaded by Jayanth Kumar:

Defective Model F90M Mobile

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