Name of Complainant Michelle
Date of ComplaintOctober 23, 2023
Name(s) of companies complained against
Category of complaint Cyber Crime
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Text of Complaint by Michelle:

I was introduced into the business an admin of the company and i was told to recharge 3,000 which i did but after the first day, the top up increased to more than #9,000 but on the third day, the top up never ended and i had to borrow money from people so that i can complete the tasks, make withdrawal and refund the borrowed moneys but the request for top up never ended . Please i need a refunds of my money to pay back the people i borrowed from.

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One thought on “CYBER CRIME (THEFT)

  1. Bonroy mall scammed me there kept telling me to complete my task making me to borrow money from my friends and neighbors
    I paid 75000.00
    To keep activating my task but yet is not working
    Please help me

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