Cheating By Nakshatra Marriage Bureau

Name of Complainant Jagannth
Date of ComplaintJuly 19, 2023
Name(s) of companies complained against
Category of complaint Cyber Crime
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Text of Complaint by Jagannth:

It is not Marriage Bureau , it is a group of criminals out there looting peoples’ money
For the last 6 months I was searching through matrimony sites for a suitable girl for my 25year old son.
On Saturday Afternoon 0n 15th July 2023, I received whatsapp message from (Amruta 97652557882)
She sent me a picture of a beautiful girl (Rupali ). She told me that the girl’s family is from my native place from Dist Karad (Satara) and currently they are living in thane. She also texted me her horoscope details and surprisingly it is perfectly matching my son’s Kundali.
She also told me that the Girl and her family liked my son’s profile and they wanted my contacts. I was happy about that. I requested her to give me the Girl’s Contact Number . Then she mentioned that She is from Matrimony Sites Called “” and that’s their business.
If I want her contact I have to pay Rs.6000/-
She told me that Girl is also wanted my contacts and she is paying pay Rs. 6000/-
I thought That, we had finally found the right Girl. So we agreed and paid 6000/- through UPI id which Amruta gave me.

And we made payment through their UPI id

After the Payment was made. Amruta told me that She will verify That the payment received and will exchange the contacts./
At 10 pm at night Amruta Called me and demanded an additional Rs. 4000/- she told me it is for my son’s “Special Wedding Profile.” She also connected with the bride girl, RUPALI on a conference call. I was suspicious that the voice of Rupali Sounds exactly like Amruta. I refuse to pay her additional 4000/- and ask her to pay me back 6000/-
She told me she will not pay 6000/- because the girl’s family also paid 6000/- just to avail my number.
Next Day she gave me Rupali’s Number 7517870231. I called Rupali’s Number , She spoke briefly that, Will speak on next day ( TOO my surprise this time also Rupali’s Voice Sounds like Amruta )
Next Day ( Monday 17 July 2023) I called Rupali’s Number . Her phone rangs couple of times and went dead . I Tried whole day to contact her but it was switched off.
Complained to Amruta but no Help .
This is how Nakshatra Marriage Bureau cheated us and played with our emotions . Next couple of days we were not able to sleep. We are looking for help.
We are also looking for someone from the court of Law who can stop them from doing cheating business.
While searching on internet we found a criminal Information about Nakshatra Marriage Bureau

Money fraud by Nakshatra Marriage Bureau [RESOLVED]

It is not Marriage Bureau , it is a group of criminals out there looting peoples’ money .

Image Uploaded by Jagannth:

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