Wepex company fake company fraud

Name of Complainant Ahmad choudhary
Date of ComplaintFebruary 21, 2024
Name(s) of companies complained against
Category of complaint Cyber Crime
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Text of Complaint by Ahmad choudhary:

On Thursday 15/02/2024 I got a MSG on WhatsApp through Quikr.com that , hello I am Neha from quikr.com from work from home it is totally free and you will paid for 1 form 25rs and you have to complete 700 forms that they will give 17500 , then I said yes to the work and then they make notary and take my aadhar card and signature on that notary paper . Today I have completed my work 21 February and I know that I have not skipped any form but then also they are saying that you have skipped 2 forms you have to complete 2 forms through second I’d and for second I’d you have to pay money which will be given through your payment, I have said to them to cut in my salary but you know fraudsters are so clever they said which you have work is not use for us and also for you , you have to purchase the second I’d If I have the money to give them why should I work? This is now society where we live we work also and we have to pay also and then who have only sitting and giving instructions they take money easily and get away please take action on them .
They have filled case on me saying that you have break the rules of our company and file a case and saying that meet me in court and give fine of 1 lakh rupees .
This is threatened that we will get panic and pay the amount which they are saying and then they take money and run away. Please take care all of us and be aware of such frauds

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Wepex company fake company fraud

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