VR enterprise is Fraud company

Name of Complainant Amit Joshi
Date of ComplaintJuly 6, 2020
Name(s) of companies complained against
Category of complaint Cyber Crime
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Text of Complaint by Amit Joshi:

Sir I was searching job and I found company on Quicker namely V R Enterprise. As per offer given by the company I have filling 700 data entries in 7 days.

I have completed data entries in 5 days and after that company says that there are mistakes in my data entries. They also said me to pay 4700/-. I have paid the said amount.

After that they again and again call me that if I have not paid the amount they filled case against me in court. Hence I paid Rs. 49,730/- to the company. But they call me again and again to pay another amount. I am worried and shocked because I have totally lost. Sir please help me.

E-mail ID – help4forms@gmail.com

Mobil Numbers – 08140352611, 07046045673,07069892752

Image Uploaded by Amit Joshi:

VR enterprise is Fraud company

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