Vodafone deducted Rs. 25 unauthorisedly for “Pre-Embedded games” which I have not subscribed.

Name of Complainant jayashree
Date of ComplaintJune 5, 2021
Name(s) of companies complained against
Category of complaint Mobile Phone
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Text of Complaint by jayashree:

This is the third time Vodafone is deducting money from my Vodafone prepaid balance unauthorisedly.

Yesterday I got a message from VZ-ViCMS as “Hello Thank you for choosing to access Pre-Embedded games. You have been charged Rs.25. Your balance is Rs.16”.When I browsed their app and as instructed therein I sent an SMS to 155223 to stop, However I got a message from 155223 that I have not subscribed to any value added service. How can there be such a contradiction??

Earlier in April also they had charged unauthorisedly twice for services which I have not subscribed. When I sent a mail to customer care, someone called me from Chennai, apologised and refunded the amount. This is very ridiculous. How can a service provider like VODAFONE charge without me opting for any such value added services.

Image Uploaded by jayashree:

Vodafone deducted Rs. 25 unauthorisedly for “Pre-Embedded games” which I have not subscribed.

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