Name of Complainant ARCHANA SHARMA
Date of ComplaintJune 5, 2023
Name(s) of companies complained against
Category of complaint Internet Services
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Text of Complaint by ARCHANA SHARMA:

Respected Sir,
My child Devansh S. ordered earphones of Sennheiser XS275 tthrough this site but i wanted to buy some other earphones so i cancelledthe order and initially the site wasn’t cancelling but later it gave no information of refund. I wrote articles and reviews about their poor refund that they sometimes also cheat people.So , I looked for their contact number and called them. The number was likely fraud. From somewhere , I got another number
{+91 7669839261}which had strange caller tune to be a official number but the guy said about 8-9 days refund while no option was visible. On site,they say for 48 days to 90 days of refund which is likely too much time for a online UPI payment.Even a consumer like me can make itr in a 1 minute to them , so how such a e commerce company needs so much time.Luckily , I mailed them , raised a ticket and also raised ticket at Razorpay for which nothing of sort worked .I myself being a lawyer and daughter of lawyer would like to ask you to look in this matter and please contact the company to initate my refund as soon as possible .
Regards ,
A aware Indian Consumer

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