unwanted call

Name of Complainant anuj kumar chauhan
Date of ComplaintSeptember 19, 2023
Name(s) of companies complained against
Category of complaint Banking
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Text of Complaint by anuj kumar chauhan:

am writing to address a persistent issue that I have been facing with Home Credit regarding unsolicited calls. Despite my numerous attempts to resolve this matter, I continue to receive unwanted calls from your organization, causing significant distress and exacerbating my already difficult circumstances.

I want to emphasize that I have explicitly requested multiple times with your customer executives, to have my contact number removed from your database. However, my requests have been ignored, and the calls persist without any regard for my situation or well-being.

I find this disregard for my privacy and the negative impact on my mental health highly distressing. I have been experiencing significant levels of depression, and these intrusive phone calls only serve to worsen my mental state. It is disheartening that Home Credit, as a reputed organization, is failing to understand and acknowledge the gravity of the situation.

This is perplexing and deeply concerning, as it suggests that my personal information may have been mishandled or overlooked by Home Credit.

I implore you to rectify this matter urgently and take immediate action to cease all communication with me. I kindly request that Home Credit delete my contact information(+919997189437) from your database and ensure that my details are not further misused or mishandled. I need an assurance that my contact details have been removed from your systems and will not be used for any further communication.

Image Uploaded by anuj kumar chauhan:

unwanted call

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