unexplained mobile usage charges

Name of Complainant Victor Sundarsingh
Date of ComplaintJune 10, 2020
Name(s) of companies complained against
Category of complaint Mobile Phone
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Text of Complaint by Victor Sundarsingh:

I am a senior citizen and my Children are settled I USA. They invited me to visit them at their own expense in December 2019. Hence, I took international roaming where incoming sms are free and incoming, outgoing calls, data usages are charged additionally. I took this option because I have to pay housing society charges, salary to housemaid, cleaner etc in Mumbai when I am inUSA and the otp for bank payment comes to me through sms.  After reaching USA on 3rd December, my data acquisition through mobile is blocked by me in the phone. But, to my surprise I got a bill of more than Rs.8000 in the first month. I paid it because when I arrived in Miami there was problem in contacting my son and I thought may be by mistake mobile acquisition was on. But, in my mobile it showed 0 Kb used after 3rd December.  In the next two months, again my bill was touching above RS8000. I complained about this and every time I complained they said I am using data in my mobile . My mobile showed 0kb used. Hence I took a photo of the data consumed plot and sent it to them. Still, they did not believe me and reduced the charges by some amount. I paid this amount in protest. Then, they sent me an sms stating that to be on the safe side my data acquisition facility is blocked in my mobile. But, again in May 2020 bill the charges was 3635.94. so, I complained, sent the copy of the sms they sent to me and again like a Parrot they said I have used data. How can I use data when it is blocked in my phone? This time I did not pay the bill and complained. They only repeat that I used data. But, in April 2020 the bill was correct and the amount was Rs 882-64. How can that be? Their billing is erratic. Since, I cannot afford this fleecing I closed the international roaming in my mobile and have to depend on friends to pay my bills in Mumbai. Because of covid-19 I am stuck in USA. Please examine the case and give me credit for the excess amount charged by Vodafoneidea network.  Victor Prince Sundarsingh, D101, Powai park, High street, Hiranandani, Powai, Mumbai, 400076

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unexplained mobile usage charges

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