Telegram group Crystal Daily task –

Name of Complainant Harshit Udhwani
Date of ComplaintAugust 2, 2023
Name(s) of companies complained against
Category of complaint Cyber Crime
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Text of Complaint by Harshit Udhwani:

I received a whatsapp message for daily tasks and for wages, i agreed then they added me in the group where they asked to do tasks like to review and for cryptocurrency investment and all, there i paid 3000₹ which they didn’t gave me back! Please help me to give my money back!

Image Uploaded by Harshit Udhwani:

2 thoughts on “Telegram group Crystal Daily task –

  1. received a whatsapp message for daily tasks and for wages, i agreed then they added me in the group where they asked to do tasks like toI received a whatsapp message for daily tasks and for wages, i agreed then they added me in the group where they asked to do tasks like to review and for cryptocurrency investment and all, there i paid 3000 and after they are asked 70000 rs after u withdraw and again asking 91000 rs and i paid overall 146000rs And they are asking this is last amount pay 200000 out of which 60000 paid ,and earlier more which they didn’t gave me back Please help me to give my money back!

  2. Hi i got a whatsapp message for daily tasks and for wages, on 8th may i agreed then they added me in the group where they asked to do tasks like received a whatsapp message for daily tasks and for wages, i agreed then they added me in the group in telegram where they asked to do tasks like to review and for investment proofs others are also paying that screenshots..but not able to send message in group.and all, there i paid 3000 and after they are asked 70000 rs after u withdraw and again asking 91000 rs and i paid overall 146000rs And they are asking this is last amount pay 200000 out of which 60000 paid ,and earlier more which they didn’t gave me back Please help me to give my money back!

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