Telegram Fraud for Google map Review

Name of Complainant Prakash
Date of ComplaintMay 5, 2024
Name(s) of companies complained against
Category of complaint Investments
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Text of Complaint by Prakash:

I have joined last week in that group. First they asked me to take a Google Map task. In that task i have put comment and rating to the Restaurants which they sent in that Telegram Group.
After that they asked me to join welfare tasks, first I paid 2000 then I got 2800. after they increased my rating salary from 50 to 100 per task. Today I have joined second slot welfare task which costs 5000. In that task they asked me to buy this much amount(33000) of product to send a money to this account UPI ID:- Dineshpaul08139@dbs.
After that they asked me to select one option, but I was wrongly selected one option. Then they asked to buy repair order upto (98000) to this account 9468825122@amazonpay.In that group we are 4 members @lakshmi3012,@lkdmb11,@xakkdkk and me.We were paid that much amount. After that in that task, we are all got the amount with bonus in the account.
When we are trying to withdraw the amount, they said me to withdraw order wise like

Your data docking has been completed, and your security verification has passed. Since your account has a large amount of funds, the merchant, for the sake of fund security, please withdraw money now. Test withdrawal: 5000.00 rupees. Follow the following steps to withdraw to the account to complete the withdrawal operation:
First withdrawal amount submitted: 5000.00Rs
Second withdrawal amount: 105000.Rs
Submit the entire balance for the third time

Please strictly follow the above withdrawal rules to withdraw money. After each account is submitted, you can withdraw the next order. Please do not submit multiple orders at the same time. If you do not submit withdrawals in accordance with the above requirements and submit them to the merchant for review, it will lead to business failure and account failure. Funds will not be protected and will be frozen! Only then can you pay the unfreezing fee, she said these words.

But here she mentioned 3rd time for remaining amount, but by mistakenly I was second time itself I entered 105000. So my account was locked
Then they said, if you want to unlock your account you need to pay 105000 rupees.
Now what should I do?
Please help me to recover my money.Please help me ! I need my money back

Image Uploaded by Prakash:

One thought on “Telegram Fraud for Google map Review

  1. Same happened to me and they are saying various but not giving money. Only asking more money for withdrawal.

    Please don’t give any more money.. i already lost 40 lakhs

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