Telegram fraud

Name of Complainant Hemanta Birua
Date of ComplaintApril 14, 2023
Name(s) of companies complained against
Category of complaint Miscellaneous
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Text of Complaint by Hemanta Birua:

I don’t know before about this ..They ask me to join with them to earn money by giving follow the an Instagram and with that another task they told me to do .I did that they told me to do 2 task which I completed but after completing the task they again telling me to complete another task. I tolt them to settle the task but they want another payment of 5000 money. What can I do. They told me to withdrawal of money but that not working and they also not helping me. Sir. Please if possible to identify the person then ok other wise don’t do this complaint I would not want to engage more time with this and Sir I request you to don’t make it publicly. And their UPI ID where I transfer the money is -8797192247m@pnb.Thank you

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