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Name of Complainant Sangeeta Khera
Date of ComplaintJuly 9, 2022
Name(s) of companies complained against
Category of complaint Electronic Appliances
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Text of Complaint by Sangeeta Khera:

This is in reference to sub id 1236070494. I had called the company to stop the service on 24th May. The person agreed and mentioned that do not pay the renewal charges and the box will be collected. The person asked tohe alternative number. So gave the alternative number as well. But no response. I again reminded through chat. The person Anushka Saha suddenly woke up frm sleep that i have to recharge minimum of rs. 50 so that the account is active then only surrender of the box can be done. Got a message from tataplay called so many times. No response. I am not a business tycoon that will keep the phones busy. At least they could send on my registered email that n response. Not even that. I am really fed up of chasing them at Least whether to throw the box in the scrap. If do that then will charge a fine from me. I am physically challenged person or would have gone to their office and thrown the box there. Even that cannot do. I have told them so many times I am physically challenged cannot come to their office. And don’t know where their office is. Please help me with this. Recover a penalty for harassing a physically challenged person. Please help.

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