Resume search

Name of Complainant Zahoor
Date of ComplaintMarch 6, 2021
Name(s) of companies complained against
Category of complaint Cyber Crime
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Text of Complaint by Zahoor:

Hello sir/mam,

I want to file a complaint against the resume search company as they are giving u online job for filling of resumes 600 resumes in one week u have to fill which is impossible but any how if a person fills the resumes then they are saying that there is not 90 percent accuracy, so they start torturing and they r saying that u have signed an agreement u have to pay 6500 as u couldn’t do the work, and they r even making u nervous and disturbed by saying the a legal processing will be done against u if u will not pay, so i am requesting  you please do something against these kind of frauds,


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Resume search

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