Name of Complainant Ruhi
Date of ComplaintDecember 29, 2020
Name(s) of companies complained against
Category of complaint Consumables
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Text of Complaint by Ruhi:

order I’d : 16077727519093501A

I have placed order on  jiomart on 12/12/2020 then next day I received call from jio mart the guy said mam order something else this is out of stock and he said I will get refund back in two days I said ok but the thing is that if u had products out of stock how come it’s added in the cart and order get placed I do online shopping for everything never happened like that.

Next I got email u will get refund in 3 to 5 working days nothing received.

Then I emailed to their support email I’d everytime I send email they give ticket I’d and says it takes 7 working days to refund

i placed order on 12th it’s 28th today how many days takes to jio to count 7  working days


Yesterday I sent new email again and they says we have forwarded ur complaint we working on it bloody hell nothing has been resolved until now if u had stuff out of stock why the hell order got placed and amount got deducted and the guy who called me I get refund back in two days it’s already 15th day today I have not received any refund yet

Image Uploaded by Ruhi:


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