I have ordered a product 408-0840738-7153129 dated 26-08-2020 from your app. Unfortunately the product was damaged & I realized it at a later date. After realization, I opted for returning the product & you will be surprised to know that the seller accepted return. But after certain point of time I realized that no one came to pick it up so I called amazon. They told me you can sales return the product which I didn’t understand at the first time. Later I called them again, they told me to put out of pocket expenses & return the product. Please mark these words from the mouth of your esteemed executives ,” Sir, we will initiate the refund along with the courier charges as soon as it reaches our warehouse”. The product reached the destination but no signs of refund. I would like to mention here that I called manyatimes thereafter for my money( no only cost of equipment but also the courier charges) but no luck. Everytime an executive picks up, they make me feel like why I have purchased something from amazon. Sir, its been over 4 months, 40 of calls, enough time spent over this. They asked me to hold me till we get the A to Z team over this, they will give me my refund. I waited again till I heard my claim has been withdrawn because I didn’t respond. Then I responded, they dropped again. It happened 3 times. Later, on 6-7th december I called amazon, a lady( senior executive) ask me to wait till 14th otherwise we will further escalate the issue. Again there is nothing from your part. I called again & again & again & I have called today also. Believe me I will keep on calling amazon till I die or s@uicide because of this stress & pathetic response.
I have brought this thing to your knowledge so that you should be known of your inattentive & irresponsible customer staff. I request you to look in this issue & tell me whether I will get my money back or not. If not kindly refund my courier charges. If that can also not be done, please let me know, I will choose another option