Rebate mall grabx Amazon

Name of Complainant Cleopatra Gqada
Date of ComplaintApril 24, 2023
Name(s) of companies complained against
Category of complaint Corruption
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Text of Complaint by Cleopatra Gqada:

I was also looking to multiply my money I make from baking and selling scones so I could afford a better Daycare for them and buy winter clothes.

I then saw an Amazon advert on Instagram which was about a part time job on Amazon and I followed it and then there was a number I had to whatsapp. That person sent me the link to register and I did. They then loaeded my account with R28 and was told to do 3 tasks and then I got my money.
I was then instructed to download the telegram app so I could speak to the mentor senior instructor who then applied for job for me and this time it was 8 tasks for which some required me to top up the buying price with either R500 to R2900… Which I did then did not have.

I decided to stop recharging when I then had to pay R2900 which I do not have. And now I can’t withdraw my money.

My kids are to start at Daycare tomorrow (24/04/2023) and I don’t have the money to pay for them.

Image Uploaded by Cleopatra Gqada:

Rebate mall grabx Amazon

2 thoughts on “Rebate mall grabx Amazon

  1. I am a male 49 years old unemployed. I saw an advertisement on LinkedIn which was about Amazon billing part time job then I applied. They returned to me saying I have been accepted and they have a 30% bonus for every task I do. They are to start me with a R28 and they did that. Then I am to do task and earn from a commission of 30% with every task completed beginning with first three task and all went well I earned a first R90 commission and I continue with the tasks till I was introduced to a R10 000 task and commission. I followed and recharge with the amount of money that was required till where I had now to do a R30 000.00 tasks. I did not know that I am now at a R30 000 an to continue with a 30% commission which happened. After I recharged to a amount of R3000 for eight task that I need complete then is where I am allowed to withdraw all the balance I have in my account. I struggled to complete the tasks till I stopped at task 7 because now it wants me to recharge with a R9000.00 and I don’t have such huge money to complete the tasks that are left with me. Two tasks I must complete to withdraw all my funds which are upto a R30 000 now I have about a R15 000 as my balance in the Amazon Rebate Mall. If I cannot complete the two remaining tasks then they will have to Freeze all the balance and I am to lose that way. Now they keep saying they are extending the time to complete the tasks and to avoid my balance from that the shipping mall system freeze it at random. I have till end of June to complete the remaining tasks and withdraw all the funds.

    If there is a way of helping me please I need help. If I can get the R9000.00 to recharge and withdraw all the funds. If anyone is to help me I can pay him or her back. I want to know if Amazon and Grabx is scam.

    1. Hi, same thing with me. Still have 3 “tasks” but already have to pay over 8k to finish this one!!

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