Paytym postpaid fraud

Name of Complainant Manbir Kaur
Date of ComplaintNovember 20, 2022
Name(s) of companies complained against
Category of complaint E-Com & Retail
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Text of Complaint by Manbir Kaur:

On 17th of November around 4.00 pm ,I received call from a person saying he is paytym officer ,called to update my kyc in paytym and asked me to open my paytym app and said my kyc is 80% completed ,told me to upload my picture and after that he gave all my personal information like my name ,residential address,pan card .I said all information is correct .then he asked me to go to order and bookings section and asked to write last 4 digits of my credit card number ,Cvv and date of expiry and said my kyc will be completed when I put OTP .it took few seconds then he disconnected the call .when I received OTP ,transaction of 6
1lac ,immediate I blocked that number .and later on I have checked my paytym,several fraud transactions were done from my wallet of 1lac,95 k but all were failed then that frauder enabled my paytym postpaid account and did transaction of 60000.

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Paytym postpaid fraud

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