opening of airtel payment account without concerning me

Name of Complainant shiv kumar sharma
Date of ComplaintDecember 7, 2018
Name(s) of companies complained against
Category of complaint Mobile Phone
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Text of Complaint by shiv kumar sharma:

my mobile no.8755634821, Shiv kumar Sharma is your airtel consumer. payment bank open my account in your airtel payment bank without my concern,when is submitted or introduced my adhar card, my gas subsidy directly reach to my airtel payment a/c since a long time when I asked my Indiane Gas Dealer(Govilla Enterprise) Aligarh than he told me that my gas subsidy is being transferd to your airtel payment A/C.When I reached to your airtel office to inquiry regarding the subsidy than they told me that about RS3000 subsidy is in my account that you can transfer to other bank account when I told them to close the account and transfer my subsidy to my bank account than they replied I can transfer your money to your bank account but 1% charge is levied on it and denied to close the account.

I urged you to close my account immediately and transfer my money into my bank account otherwise i will be compelled to go for legal procedure




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opening of airtel payment account without concerning me

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