ONLINE FRAUD SElling mobile for Rs.999.99 TRENDZMARTS.IN

Name of Complainant
Date of ComplaintJune 20, 2020
Name(s) of companies complained against
Category of complaint Cyber Crime
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This regarding TRENDZMARTS.IN selling Mobile for Rs.999.99.I purchase it on 16june 20 but after that noreply no shipment information.Isent number of emails no reply.

I contacted PAYTM where they have details about my transaction but they did not taken any action against the fraudent selling and asked me to file complaint with police.

Where If that happens with Citi bank they take action immediately and protect customers money. Paytm should have stopped and recovered money from the frauders and saved further fraud activities .

But nothing done by Paytm. I think we should stop paying thru Paytm. also where they dont protect customer interest. So all please file complaint and also file against paytm as they are encouraging fraud people.

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ONLINE FRAUD SElling mobile for Rs.999.99 TRENDZMARTS.IN

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