On telegram application , there is a credit card fraud and carder who goes by id – @VINAYRANAA and also is the owner of a telegram channel called – @THESUPERSTOREPROOFS, who is indulging in cyber crime and fraud by looting and ripping people of their hard earned money by promising to sell online phones by doing credit card fraud and identification theft.
He asks his victims to deposit money in his bank account/Paytm/you/phonepe and as soon as he gets money, he blocks his victims and stops responding to them.
On further research, it has been found that he is employing identification theft and credit card fraud by illegal means of carding which is a criminal offence in the country to loot people.
Please suggest and take necessary action against him
Thank you.
Please take action and block this channel asap. As most of them are getting looted by this fraud daily. If no one is responding, he will say any mobile / laptop / camera for 1000/- only for 30min or so. Blackmails with the emotions in chat and convinces the person to pay the amount. After sending screenshot, just blocks the user and no response.
Two days back he offered to sale his paytm account for 20k.