Myntra Complaint: Online shopping site troubling so much after delivering the wrong product and not accepting the return

Name of Complainant virat
Date of ComplaintMarch 21, 2018
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Category of complaint Internet Services
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Text of Complaint by virat:

This is really very annoying thing , i am facing up with myntra…..The only online shopping site i trust and purchase .

I had placed a return request for my product …which has been picked up today by an agent and suddenly at later evening i got continous 5 calls when i was in my bussiness meeting, on calling back they just told me that your return request was put on hold, which was really upsetting and the matter to gaive a damn about between my bussiness works

….. the most annoying thing was not just this, but when i asked the person the reason for hold, that was there any fault in product or anything, than he the person on phone just told me that ,

“sir there was no problem with your product, but as these days we are having much returns , so our supervisor had just told us to put every return on hold, and ask the customer to call customer care for further assistance. now, sorry to ask , but is myntra really disturbed with his succsess, or it was just a action to trouble customer, so that he/she will keep the product even when it was disliked, or unwanted I mean a am shopping from last 2 years from myntra but in these was first time i have to face such issues which were really annoying and irritating ,

My regd. e-mail id is : Return number: 213790606 I doubt that if this kind of of things will keep on happen , i will have to hink twice before shopping from myntra or even discard it.

Today, even my son had received a product which falls short to his size, and i doubt if he have to return it again, than again i have to go through this long irritating procedures for the same.

i really dont want to shop product at this trouble, if such practices will pursue continouslly t was acually the geox shoes with high price model, but i personally disliked it i seriously want you to process the things to the earliest smoothly, and look towards the troubling practices thats coming in your system which was really very annoying

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Myntra Complaint: Online shopping site troubling so much after delivering the wrong product and not accepting the return

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