mpokket loan i have taken since 2 year im paying bt its nt clear y means thy r taking only int so thy vl nt give settlement

Name of Complainant prameela
Date of ComplaintDecember 16, 2023
Name(s) of companies complained against
Category of complaint Banking
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Text of Complaint by prameela:

i have taken loan from mpokket but due to some issues cant repay and also they are not given settlement option also and they will calll everyone like my family ,friends and me not even update my family phone no also thy will trase and call them morever intrest rate is daily basis like 10% per day for 100rs please help me to get resolve this issues and plz help me to give settlement option and im a heart patient cant able to go job ,for 37000 i have already paid intrest 80000 rs its very highly torture and cheating without given any settlment option so now i cant pay whole amount i vl pay shortfall amount plz help me and take action on mpokket

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