Missing product in the delivery box: Amazon India

Name of Complainant Nayan Singhal
Date of ComplaintMay 14, 2021
Name(s) of companies complained against
Category of complaint E-Com & Retail
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Text of Complaint by Nayan Singhal:


I had ordered two products from Amazon India in a single checkout.

One product was a pair of dumbles and the other one was a hair oil.

The order was expected to be delivered on 7th May 2021, both the products in a single package.

I received the product package and opened it, the hair oil was missing. I lodged a complaint on Amazon regarding the same on that day itself. They responded that they will initiate an investigation and i need to contact them back on 13th May.

Upon contacting them again, they said sorry we can’t do anything with this.

Firstly, the investigation team didn’t contacted me for the same which they stated while lodging the complaint.

Secondly, i have the box with me which is completely of dumbles company from outside to inside including the tapes and their company sticker in the outermost package.

Thirdly, how can one send dumbles and hair oil together. Obviously it will destroy the oil bottle.

Image Uploaded by Nayan Singhal:

Missing product in the delivery box: Amazon India

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