Learn n learn

Name of Complainant Parineeta bothra
Date of ComplaintOctober 6, 2022
Name(s) of companies complained against
Category of complaint Mobile Phone
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Text of Complaint by Parineeta bothra:

Adv. Kushal Singh here legal advisor of Learn N Earn Company from Surat, Gujarat.

You have done the registration in the *Learn N Earn* Company for the skill programming and This company has provided some other Earning option also but you have not earn the money and you have not paid the fees after signing the legal documents as a legal affadavit and Company has borrowed the legal stamp duty paper after signing the legal affadavit from your side so you have to pay the fees of the skill programming of ₹5100+18% Gst by today itself before 5:10 pm and if you don’t pay the fees then you will receive a legal notice in future to your residential address according to the indian penal code under section 191,193,195 and 199 due to which you have to clear the whole legal process from Surat, Gujarat and your legal proceedings has been initiated on the basis of the legal affadavit and legal stamp duty paper and you have close your whole legal process from Surat Gujarat with our legal advisor and you have to pay the legal charges of Rs 51,200/- instead of classes fees of 6018 in Surat Gujarat.

Image Uploaded by Parineeta bothra:

Learn n learn

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