Learn n earn company filed case against me to pay 7079 rupees n they r threating me to pay the money r else I have to face court n pay 40k to 50k rupees

Name of Complainant Asif
Date of ComplaintOctober 27, 2023
Name(s) of companies complained against
Category of complaint Cyber Crime
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Text of Complaint by Asif:

I need some part time job. So, I was applying for job and on 15 October 2023 I received message on whatsapp from learn n earn. I found name of company so confusing 😕 and they said that you will have to pay after 6-7 days and that you will be able to pay as you will get job. So, I enrolled but i don’t accepted the terms and conditions yet and realizing that they are only providing courses but not job. But i don’t need it as I already pursuing bca. I afraid to pay 5999 + GST without any purpose. So, complaing here. Kindly help me I shall be very thankful to you

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Learn n earn company filed case against me to pay 7079 rupees n they r threating me to pay the money r else I have to face court n pay 40k to 50k rupees

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