Issuance of Sims to Fake people with out proper due diligence

Name of Complainant Tushar
Date of ComplaintJuly 18, 2021
Name(s) of companies complained against
Category of complaint Mobile Phone
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Text of Complaint by Tushar:

Airtel is making scams now a days they are distributing their sims to fake people who don’t even deserve to use mobile phone because these are the people who are infleterating to my private place and disturbing me i think in my opinion airtel needs to build a mechanism to put control on these ugly people who are disturbing me .I got a call from one person wh continuously calling on my number i want to file a complaint against that person but first i want to file a complaint against airtel because he is the consumer of airtel services and airtel donot have a mechanism where we can complaint against that person. Either airtel needs to built the mechanism to control these people otherwise if they are not able to do things rightly then only option is to shut your company and try to do other business.


I got a call from 9906392147 please inform that guy to stop calling me or block his sim.I have blocked his number still again and again he is calling me. If because of airtel company my privacy hampered then you have to pay for breaching my privacy.




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Issuance of Sims to Fake people with out proper due diligence

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