I lost 1264000₹ in telegram, in data remediation tasks.

Name of Complainant Sahith krishna
Date of ComplaintDecember 27, 2023
Name(s) of companies complained against
Category of complaint Investments
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Text of Complaint by Sahith krishna:

Firstly they sent a WhatsApp message from media mantra Group like YouTube subscription plan, we have subscribed the channel and we get payment, later they invited to telegram channel from there the same process we have like Receptionist, Task Manager and Mentor. Receptionist connects to task manager and tasks are made like YouTube subscription and by sending screenshot we get payment from customer service. After some time they will send messages in telegram group like prepaid mission, here we have to pay some amount and they sent link https://gl-malayisaicoinstop.com/#/, here they some amount of trading start and stop and they pay. They made this missions continuously after huge amounts are introduced, after the only completion of that mission we receive the remaining amount, so I do on going the transaction for struck amount but I was totally struck again and again. Finally it reached amount of 1264000₹ and I recieve 1896913₹. I completed the mission what they have said, again asking for the payment of 948456₹ again to release the amount. What should I do now? I’m sending the total conversation by 3 people video with Receptionist, Mentor and Customer service. Please do check conversation videos.

Image Uploaded by Sahith krishna:

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