Get Rupee (Fraud Loan Application)

Name of Complainant Lucky Patil
Date of ComplaintAugust 4, 2023
Name(s) of companies complained against
Category of complaint Cyber Crime
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Text of Complaint by Lucky Patil:

I have downloaded the application from play store as i was in need for some loan. I thought if the app was on play store it will be authentic. Initially i downloaded it just to check their various available loan offers. But to see that you first have to provide your personal details such as pan card, aadhar card and bank account. So i submitted all this. Then i saw that they charge very high interest rates for a mere 7 days loan period. For example, they have one loan option of 3000 rupees, the disbursement amount is 1800 rupees so you have to pay 1200 rupees interest and that too for 7 days only. Imagine paying 1200 rupees interest on 1800 rupees, just ridiculous. And the UI of this application was such that by just one click your application gets accepted, no confirmation nothing. After that money get credited into your bank account and after 6 days one day before the due date their agents will start calling you from various unknown international numbers. As any normal middle class person i was very confused and afraid of this, so i paid them the full amount. But after that their vicious cycle of loans started. They will start giving you loans without your consent and after 6 days their agents will again start harassing and threatening you by calling. Imagine paying for something you didn’t want. In some instances i had already paid them the whole amount but they will say that they didn’t receive any money and started demanding for more money. I have one screenshot, which I will attach here of one of their agent which was asking me for more money even though i had paid already. They even abused me and threatened me to upload my morphed pictures.So after that i wanted them to report on play store so i searched for the same application there but this time it is no longer available there. Even i googled it but there wasn’t any information regarding such application. And if you search the name of this application the first search is about consumer complaints court so i realised that i made a huge mistake by downloading the application and as a result i uninstalled the application. But i believe they still have my personal details and contact info. So i strongly urge the authorities to take action against them and make sure that they will not misuse my identities illegally or in fact anyone else’s. I genuinely didn’t want anyone to go through the traumatic experience which I have gone through.

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