Fraud website

Name of Complainant K Kaur
Date of ComplaintJuly 23, 2020
Name(s) of companies complained against
Category of complaint Internet Services
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Text of Complaint by K Kaur:

This seems to be a fraud website evetybody who has to join has to pay an amount of 299 rs so basically they have made this website only to collect money, because it has been two days since i joined, payed the money and have submitted my 4 pages of work and no approval has been made. When you see their website their message clearly states that everyday at 11 pm we have to submit our work and by next morning they will review and money will be deposited in our account the very next day even if we submit only one page. Now since their is no response so it clearly states that it is a fraud website and its simply been made to fool customers. Please take some serious action against this and please shut this website before more harm is done.

Image Uploaded by K Kaur:

Fraud website

One thought on “Fraud website

  1. If you need more information for this, message us on our WhatsApp number 09389654777
    Thank You

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